Workshop Description

Understanding Supply and Demand (High School Economics Hybrid Institute – Module 3)

Planning to teach economics? This session addresses Supply and Demand, tips for teaching it, and loads of ready-to-use classroom activities.

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Virginia Commonwealth University Center for Economic Education

Apr 04, 2017
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
VCU, Snead Hall
301 W. Main St.
Richmond, Virginia 23284-4000
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Grade Level: High School, Middle School
Potential Recertification Credits: 3, or 7 if all out-of-class work is completed

Why do tickets to the Super Bowl cost so much more than seats to a regular football game in the same stadium?   Why does a brain surgeon earn so much more than a restaurant dishwasher? The interaction of demand and supply is fundamental to understanding not only these everyday “mysteries,” but also how government actions such as taxing, spending, and regulating the money supply will affect the economy as a whole.

This session on Supply and Demand. is part of a series of in-class and out-of-class work designed to cover all of the economic concepts in the high school Economics and Personal Finance course. This session and its accompanying homework (3 hours in-person, and 4 hours homework) will compose 13% of the total series.

While particularly helpful for those teaching economics and personal finance, any teacher wanting to deepen their economic knowledge will find the institute beneficial.  Participants who successfully complete all six modules (42 hours) and pass a post-test will be recognized as a VCEE Certified Economics Educator: High School. Other scheduled sessions:

5/3/2017, 4:00-7:00, Module 4 – Trade
6/22 and 6/23/2017, 9:00-4:00, Modules 5 & 6 – Macroeconomics, role of government, Federal Reserve System

Parking and a light dinner is provided.


Instructor: Stephen H. Day, Director
Contact Person:
Stephen H. Day, Director
Center for Economic Education
Virginia Commonwealth University
(804) 828-1628

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