Our Life After High School professional development program helps educators guide students plan for their futures by applying an economic way of thinking.

Life After High School:
Navigating Education, Career & Debt
Professional Development Program
4 to 7 pm, March 6, 2019
Richmond, VA
All Grade 5, Middle School & High School Teachers & Counselors Welcome
There is no fee or charge for this program.

Register Now: https://tinyurl.com/LifeAfterHSRVATeachers

Sign-up for a special three-hour Life After High School professional development program for Grade 5, Middle School & High School teachers and counselors.

This three-hour program is on March 6, 2019, from 4 to 7 pm at a convenient location in downtown Richmond, VA.

The instructor is Dr. Stephen Day, director VCU Center for Econ Ed and the workshop is co-hosted by The Virginia Council on Economic Education.

All Welcome! Please Register Now:https://tinyurl.com/LifeAfterHSRVATeachers