Workshop Description

Economics Professional Development/Summer Hybrid Institute

Get the content you need to enhance your economics classes. Attend one day of in-person learning on Tuesday, July 30th from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM at Battlefield HS (Haymarket, VA). The in-person instruction will include a wide variety of fun resources while you participate in active learning lesson activities that can be adapted and […]

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George Mason University Center for Economic Education

Jul 30, 2024
Tuesday July 30th, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Online component, July 31- Aug 18th,

Battlefield High School
15000 Graduation Drive
Haymarket, VA 20169
Get Directions
In-Service: No
Grade Level: High School, Middle School
Potential Recertification Credits: 24

Get the content you need to enhance your economics classes. Attend one day of in-person learning on Tuesday, July 30th from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM at Battlefield HS (Haymarket, VA).

The in-person instruction will include a wide variety of fun resources while you participate in active learning lesson activities that can be adapted and used in any level of economics class. Additionally, lunch will be served! Participants will earn eight PD/recertification credits.

You can complete this institute with two weeks of asynchronous online work. The online portion of the institute will run from July 31- August 18th. The online institute will cover the standards and pacing for the Economics and Personal Finance course, while teachers of other classes (such as Principles of Business) will find it relevant, too. Content will cover macroeconomics, microeconomics, personal decision-making, public policy, and ethics. Successful completion of the online portion will earn participants sixteen PD/recertification credits.

All attendees will get a free copy of the Virtual Economics 5.0 lesson plan library, and the chance to become a VCEE Certified Economic Educator.


Instructor: Patrick DeRosa, Associate Director
Contact Person:
Patrick DeRosa, Associate Director
Center for Economic Education
George Mason University

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