University of Lynchburg Center for Economic Education
Mar 08, 2018
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Lynchburg College – Schewel 232
1501 Lakeside Drive
Lynchburg, VA 24501
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Grade Level: High School, Middle School
Potential Recertification Credits: 6
This one day program is designed for new and experienced economics teachers, as well as middle school teachers and curriculum specialists charged with incorporating economic principles into their curriculum.
Focus will be placed on economic reasoning by analyzing an array of “economic mysteries.” Also, through lessons on earning an income, money management, saving, and investing, teachers can help students to envision their future as participants in a market economy. The program will help teachers refresh their economics understanding, bring back the excitement of teaching economics and provide simulations to engage students in group-structured activities that will enrich their understanding of a variety of economic principles.
The session will include classroom-tested activities and some interactive lectures focusing on the following:
- Economic Reasoning – Use economic reasoning to solve everyday mysteries (i.e. Oil reserves, Overhead bins, Alien Bananas, etc.)
- Markets – Why did the Soviet Union collapse?
- Financial Planning – Why is it that people in diverse occupations, occupations that contribute in very different ways to the social good, earn such different incomes?
- Credit Management — What are the numbers telling us?
- Economic Behavior —Why helping yourself helps others?
- The Macroeconomy — Should we worry about the National debt?
- The Visible Hand: The Role of Government — Can taxes be an incentive?
Curriculum, morning snacks, lunch, and door prizes will be provided.
Instructor: Rebecca Booth, Director
Contact Person:
Rebecca Booth, Director
Center for Economic Education
University of Lynchburg
Register for Exemplary Lessons for Teaching Economics
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