University of Lynchburg Center for Economic Education
Oct 29, 2019
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
University of Lynchburg – Schewel 214
1501 Lakeside Drive
Lynchburg, VA 24501
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Grade Level: High School
In deciding whether to use credit, individuals must consider many factors. The considerations are often situation-specific and they are often subject to different interpretations by different prospective borrowers. The underlying question in each case is whether the advantages of using credit would outweigh the disadvantages. In this lesson, the students address that question in an examination of five hypothetical cases, acting as financial advisors to clients considering the use of credit.
Instructor: Rebecca Booth, Director
Contact Person:
Rebecca Booth, Director
Center for Economic Education
University of Lynchburg
Register for Financial Fitness for Life: Credit Decisions
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