James Madison University Center for Economic Education
Oct 23, 2018
3:45 pm - 5:45 pm
220 University Boulevard
220 University Boulevard
Harrisonburg, VA 22807
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Grade Level: High School, Middle School
Potential Recertification Credits: 2
Teachers will learn methods for integrating economic simulations into their existing history curriculum. Through this, students will gain an understanding of how economics influenced cultures, civilizations, and major events around the world from the Neolithic Era to the Enlightenment.
Every attendee will get a copy of Focus: Middle School World History upon completion of the workshop! While the lessons are geared for the middle school, many can be easily used at a high school level. The lessons include an activity that engages students. Some also use original documents to give students a feel for history as it was originally written.
Instructor: John B. Kruggel, Associate Director
Contact Person:
John B. Kruggel, Associate Director
Center for Economic Education
James Madison University
Register for From Adam Smith to Zheng He, economic concepts throughout world history
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