Workshop Description

Homelessness in Children’s Literature: Choices, Changes, and Unintended Consequences

How might a child feel without a home? This Quick Hit virtual workshop utilizes children’s literature through an economic lens to build understanding and empathy towards the current event of homelessness. Each chapter book introduced during this workshop will illustrate the life of a child living through homelessness and personal finance choices their families must make. Whether it be living in a shelter or a car, these characters demonstrate the struggle of a homeless life.

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James Madison University Center for Economic Education

Oct 06, 2022
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Grade Level: Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
Potential Recertification Credits: 1

This Quick Hit virtual workshop features chapter books recounting the hardships of homelessness that work as survival stories while teaching basic economic concepts. The main character in these books are experiencing the very real problems of hunger, parental illness, limited resources, and social stigma. Their stories teach valuable life-lessons concerning choices, decision-making, and creative problem solving. Featured titles include Crenshaw, Stay, and Shelter. Workshop attendees will receive classroom-ready lessons and an annotated bibliography.


Instructor: Lynne F. Stover, Teacher Consultant, Lauren H. Shifflett, Associate Director,
Contact Person:
Lauren H. Shifflett, Associate Director
Center for Economic Education
James Madison University

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