Workshop Description

Critically Thinking Like an Economist Across Secondary Subjects: Remote Interactive Learning Strategies

Learn easy a/synchronous instructional practices using basic economic reasoning tools
to engage students in critical thinking about any subject.

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Virginia Tech Center for Economic Education

May 12, 2020
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Grade Level: High School, Middle School
Potential Recertification Credits: 6

You don’t have to be an expert in [economics], but having the ability to think the way these experts do will help you tremendously.
–Bill Gates (2017), Microsoft Co-founder

This interactive, online professional development program will demonstrate easy synchronous and asynchronous instructional practices using basic economic concepts and reasoning tools (e.g., cost-benefit analysis, PACED decision-making, and economic way of thinking 6 principles) to engage students in critical and analytical thinking about any secondary subject.  Simple performance-based learning principles will be integrated to enhance student engagement and deepen authentic learning for success in the workplace and higher education by developing the 5 C’s and Profile of a Virginia Graduate skills. Teachers from across Virginia will be divided into small breakout groups by grades/subjects to practice using these basic economic reasoning tools and brainstorm other applications to the subjects and students they teach.

Examples of student learning outcomes include: sharpening critical thinking and critical literacy skills; entertaining multiple perspectives; gaining a deeper, nuanced understanding of subject-specific content; achieving a multidisciplinary understanding of current events; laying the groundwork for authentic discussions and civil debates; casting informed votes; making students’ thinking explicit for assessment purposes; analyzing and synthesizing primary and secondary sources; using evidence to draw conclusions and make generalizations; articulating and defending positions using content vocabulary; comparing and contrasting historical, cultural, and political perspectives; explaining cause-and-effect relationships; and making more productive and prosperous everyday life decisions.  Certificates of completion will be emailed to participants.


Additional Information:

Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants

Instructor: Dr. Cheryl A. Ayers
Contact Person:
Dr. Cheryl A. Ayers
Center for Economic Education
Virginia Tech

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