Workshop Description

One Day Makes A Difference

March 26, 2025  University of Lynchburg Brewer 001 Arrival & Check in:  8:30 – 9:00 Light breakfast provided Session I – 9:00  – 10:30 “Current Events in PF- Online gambling- what students need to know”  Have you noticed that online gambling advertising seems to be flooding the airwaves?  The reality is that this industry is […]

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University of Lynchburg Center for Economic Education

Mar 26, 2025
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Registration Deadline: March 25, 2025
University of Lynchburg Brewer 001
1501 Lakeside Drive
Lynchburg, Virginia 24501
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Grade Level: Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, High School, Middle School, Post-high School

March 26, 2025 

University of Lynchburg

Brewer 001

Arrival & Check in:  8:30 – 9:00 Light breakfast provided

Session I – 9:00  – 10:30 “Current Events in PF- Online gambling- what students need to know” 

  • Have you noticed that online gambling advertising seems to be flooding the airwaves?  The reality is that this industry is not only enticing mature adults- they are aiming to draw our students in as well. This session will highlight the addictive/mental health issues that our students need to be considering before they join this growing trend. Ultimately, we will also provide hands-on activities that you can do with your students about the probability of beating ‘the house’ as well as the reality that online gambling has negative consequences to their building wealth potential. 

Session II –  10:30 – 12:00 – Banking Essentials  –  2025 Students  &  Beyond  – 

The bank is a financial institution that offers a range of services related to managing money. These services typically include:

  • Deposits
  • Loans
  • Transactions
  • Financial Products 
  • Interest

Banks play a key role in the economy by safeguarding money, offering credit, and enabling commerce. In this session we will discuss the critical material your students need to know to have the necessary foundation for all other financial lessons including increasing personal wealth. 

Working Lunch Assignment:  Knowledge Fact Check  – shared during wrap up session

Working Lunch: :  12:00 – 1:00 – working lunch 

Session III: 1:00 – 2:30 “The Untold Truth About Student Loans and Wealth Building” 

  • This session will give you some real numbers you can share with your students about the current Student Loan repayment crisis. Help you students to realistically see the costs of borrowing money to attend college and the impact it has on their long-term wealth building. We will discuss some real world ways to get a degree without starting out their working careers in double digit debt.

Session IV: 2:30 – 4:00 – WISE Success Tips – Teaching your way to 100% 

In this wrap up session for our fun filled day teachers will further their understanding of  the importance of early and consistent test preparation. Including: 

  • Developing a personalized study plan tailored to individual learning styles.
  • Learning  and applying effective study techniques for different types of material.
  • Recognize and address test anxiety through relaxation and focus techniques.
  • Apply practical strategies to perform confidently and effectively during exams.


Cap 40 participants, breakfast and a working lunch provided

Classroom – Amphitheater


BIO: Cheri Spahr

Cheri is a second-year Virginia Personal Finance Teacher Fellowship Program. She is a career switcher with a background in banking.  She teaches Business classes at Brookville High School and  loves to incorporate lessons on ‘Reaching Goals’ and Personal Finance. She is passionate about sharing current event topics in personal finance with educators. 

She has a Master of Business Administration and an Educational Specialist- Secondary Education from Liberty University. 


She has raised 4 adult children and is enjoying a new chapter with her husband as empty nesters (if you don’t count the dog and bearded dragon). In her free time she can be found at the YMCA or trying to catch up on the stack of news magazines that have accumulated on her coffee table! 


BIO:  Jeanne Willis 


Jeanne is a member of the Silver Virginia Personal Finance Teacher Fellowship, has been our Virginia Economic Educator of the Year and is a VCEE Certified Educator in Personal Finance & Economics, her undergraduate degree in Business is from Columbia College in SC and her MBA from Averett University. 


Jeanne has taught in both the Staunton River and Liberty zones in Bedford County and currency teachers Career Strategies, Marketing, and Principles of Business at Liberty HIgh School. 


Jeanne is married to Lee and they have one son who is  married to a kindergarten teacher and a spoiled dog, Holly. Jeanne is extra excited for summer 2025 in addition to the fun summer offers a school teacher  she will be a grandma in June .


Instructor: Center for Economic Education
University of Lynchburg
Schewel 347
1501 Lakeside Drive
Lynchburg, VA 24501-3113
Contact Person:
Anne Chamberlin, Director
Center for Economic Education
University of Lynchburg

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