Virginia Tech Center for Economic Education
Sep 24, 2019
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
On the campus of Virginia Tech
Exact location will be provided by email to registrants, one week ahead of workshop
Blacksburg, VA 24061
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Grade Level: High School, Middle School
Potential Recertification Credits: 6
Using a research-based theory of effective economics instruction, this hands-on program will review basic economic concepts and reasoning skills that are applicable to all subjects and everyday life. Participants will practice easily integrating economics content and reasoning skills into existing social studies curricula for a more multidisciplinary approach and enhanced 21st century life-skills development. Examples of the instructional and democratic citizenship benefits of developing economic reasoning skills in students include: sharpening critical thinking and critical literacy skills; entertaining multiple perspectives; better understanding current events; laying the groundwork for authentic discussions and civil debates; casting informed votes; and making students’ thinking explicit for assessment purposes.
Instructor: Cheryl A. Ayers, Ph.D., Co-Director
Contact Person:
Cheryl A. Ayers, Ph.D., Co-Director
Center for Economic Education
Virginia Tech
Register for Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Economics for More Informed Students and Citizens
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