James Madison University Center for Economic Education
Oct 12, 2017
3:45 pm - 5:45 pm
Cub Run Elementary School
1451 South Montevideo Circle
Penn Laird , Virginia 22846
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Grade Level: Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Kindergarten
Potential Recertification Credits: 2
Learn about Reading Makes Cent$, a K-5 financial literacy reading initiative. Participating schools will receive three free books for their library if they agree to read at least one of the featured titles to a grade level and promote the K-5 reading program to students. This year’s titles include “What Pet Should I Get?” By Dr. Seuss, “Isabel’s Car Wash” by Sheila Bair, and “Whoosh! Lonnie Johnson’s Super-Soaking Stream of Inventions” by Chris Barton. The school with the highest percentage of students participating in the reading program in each VaASL region will win $500 worth of books for their library.
K-5 students can compete by reading at least five books (or have them read to him/her) from a provided list of over fifty books. Students may submit an entry form by Friday, April 13, 2018 indicating the books they read with a sentence about their favorite title. From a drawing of all entries, two students in each VAASL region will be selected to receive Virginia529SM inVESTSM accounts with an initial balance of $529. This workshop is of special interest for school librarians.
Reading Makes Cent$ is an excellent way to encourage reading and reinforce the K-5 economic strand in the Social Science Standards of Learning, as well as promote saving for college. Suggested lessons, activities, and teacher workshops are available to assist teachers and librarians in understanding the concepts and presenting them to students in a meaningful and engaging manner.
This program is presented by Virginia529 College Savings Plan and the Virginia Council for Economic Education with input and support from the Virginia Association of School Librarians.
For more information, applications for librarians and students, and a link to instructional materials, visit the Reading Makes Cent$ Web site: www.readingmakescents.com.
Instructor: Lynne Stover, Associate Director for Programs
Contact Person:
Lynne Stover, Associate Director for Programs
Center for Economic Education
James Madison University
Register for Reading Makes Cent$
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Our privacy policy: We will not sell or release this information to any party other than VCEE, an affiliated center for economic education, and, on occasion, the Council for Economic Education. In all cases, it will only be used to promote economic and financial education and provide you information about programs and resources supporting this education.