James Madison University Center for Economic Education
Jan 19, 2021
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Grade Level: Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
Potential Recertification Credits: 2
Reading Makes Cents, sponsored by VA529 and featuring lessons and activities developed by Lynne Stover from the JMU Center for Economic Education, encourages your students to learn about making choices and saving money through children’s literature.
All elementary schools in Virginia may request three FREE books EACH YEAR they participate in this program. The 2020-2021 books are:
- Save It!
- What is Given From The Heart
- Home in the Woods
This program will focus on hands-on lessons that pair with these books covering topics including: saving, decision-making, opportunity costs and investing in your human capital (a person’s specific knowledge and skills) as well as other K-5 concepts. Learn more about bringing the Reading Makes Cents program to your school and how your school can earn $500 worth of books for your library.
Instructor: John B. Kruggel, Associate Director
Contact Person:
John B. Kruggel, Associate Director
Center for Economic Education
James Madison University
Register for Reading Makes Cents, featuring: Save It!, What is Given From The Heart, Home in the Woods.
Registration is closed for this workshop.
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