Workshop Description

The Economic Way of Thinking (High School Econ Institute Part A)

Teaching or planning to teach high school economics? This course will help you “bring it alive” and make it relevant for your students

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Old Dominion University Center for Economic Education

Jun 21, 2017 - Jun 23, 2017
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
ODU Tri-Cities Higher Education Center
1070 University Blvd.
Portsmouth, VA 23703
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Grade Level: High School
Potential Recertification Credits: 21

Participants experience first-hand how the “economic way of thinking” turns basic economics concepts into “life skills” that enable them to make more meaningful and productive day to day decisions. A detailed analysis of how market economies work will also contribute to more informed decision-making as consumers, producers, savers, investors, employees, and citizens.

In understanding how individuals (as consumers, workers and entrepreneurs), other producers, and governments interact in the economy, students can be more thoughtful about their role in the overall scheme. This includes, for example, an understanding of supply and demand– recognition that in market economies, unlike in command economies, most prices are established by interaction between buyers and sellers. An understanding of how prices are arrived at, helps students understand that as producers (workers or entrepreneurs,) the payment for their knowledge and skills (human capital) is also based on supply and demand.  This can help them make better choices about how they choose to increase their human capital.

Participants  receive a number of resources for use in the classroom including a Virtual Economics flash drive with over 1,400 activity-based lessons searchable by grade and topic, 51 key economic concepts, and a glossary with over 500 terms. ($160 value)

Teachers who successfully complete this and Economics and Public Policy (Econ Institute Part B) and pass a test will earn recognition as a VCEE Certified Economics Educator: High School. Part B will be held June 28-June 30, 2017

Lunch and refreshments provided.

Fee: NO CHARGE, however $0.00 refundable fee required

Registration is not complete until a check payable to VCEE for a $0.00 refundable deposit is received. The deposit will be returned uncashed after you complete the workshop. Mail the check to:

Center for Economic Education
Old Dominion University
Department of Economics
2105 Constant Hall
Norfolk, VA 23529-0221

Instructor: Ruth Cookson, Program Manager
Contact Person:
Ruth Cookson, Program Manager
Center for Economic Education
Old Dominion University

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