Workshop Description

Top 10 Reasons to Integrate Entrepreneurship Across CTE Courses & Career Pathways

Empower students for the new Innovation & Gig Economy!

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Virginia Tech Center for Economic Education

Nov 02, 2023
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Grade Level: High School, Middle School, Post-high School
Potential Recertification Credits: 1

In 2022, 40% of Americans had a side hustle, and nearly 50% of today’s youth said they intend to start their own business someday. Entrepreneurial skills are an increasingly essential part of workforce development and overlap with the workplace readiness skills employers across career fields say they want in new hires in a rapidly changing and innovation-based workplace. The Innovation and Gig Economy requires high school CTE graduates to be empowered with an entrepreneurial mindset even if they do not start their own business.

This webinar will share a Top 10 list of research-based reasons why and how middle and high school teachers can seamlessly integrate basic entrepreneurial mindsets, concepts, and skills into their CTE courses so students are equipped with the option to own their own business in any career pathway. Participants will receive free entrepreneurship resources and learn about the Online Entrepreneurship Institute for Middle & High School Teachers and the U.S. Entrepreneurship Certification Examination (both co-sponsored by ACTE) for high school students.

This national webinar is co-sponsored by the Association of Career & Technical Education (ACTE).





Additional Information:

Instructions for accessing the Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants.

Instructor: Dr. Cheryl Ayers
Contact Person:
Dr. Cheryl Ayers
Center for Economic Education
Virginia Tech

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