Workshop Description

Economics and Public Policy (High School Econ Institute Part B)

Teaching or planning to teach economics? This course will help you “bring it alive” and make it relevant for your students!

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George Mason University Center for Economic Education

Jun 28, 2019 - Jul 02, 2019
Friday, June 28, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Monday, July 1, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Tuesday, July 2, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

George Mason University – Fairfax Campus
4379 Mason Pond Drive
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
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Grade Level: High School
Potential Recertification Credits: 21

While the proper role of government in a primarily market economy is limited,  government nonetheless also plays a crucial role that private enterprise cannot fill  in areas where markets are inefficient or where due to the nature of the goods and services, markets fail to provide the goods and services that people require and many want. Governments define and protect property rights, provide for national defense, address environmental concerns,  and attempt to make markets more competitive. Students who understand how to reason about the appropriate role of government in a market economy, and the various options to pay for government services, will be better informed citizens and voters.

The personal and societal implications of economic indicators – inflation, unemployment, and economic growth, etc. – will also contribute to more informed decision-making as consumers, producers, savers, investors, employees, and citizens.  The Federal Reserve System’s job is to work for the health and stability of the overall economy, safety of the banking system, and the soundness of the US currency.  This program will also cover the structure and main functions of the Federal Reserve System and an understanding of monetary policy so teachers can help students make sense of news reports about the Fed.

Finally, this program will also cover topics relating to globalization and trade. Fueled in part by technological innovations, we live in an increasingly global economy.  As nations’ economies grow more integrated, there are costs and benefits.

Participants  receive a number of resources for use in the classroom.  Those who do not already have a Virtual Economics flash drive will receive one.  It has over 1,400 activity-based lessons searchable by grade and topic, 51 key economic concepts, and a glossary with over 500 terms. ($160 value)

Teachers who successfully complete this and The Economic Way of Thinking (Econ Institute Part A) and pass a test will earn recognition as a VCEE Certified Economics Educator: High School.

Lunch and refreshments provided.

Fee: NO CHARGE, however $0.00 refundable fee required

Registration is not complete until a check payable to VCEE for a $0.00 refundable deposit is received. The deposit will be returned uncashed after you complete the workshop. Mail the check to:

Center for Economic Education
George Mason University
4400 University Drive, MS 3G4
Fairfax, VA 22030

Additional Information:

Teachers who also sign up for Part A held June 25 - 27, only need to send one refundable check to hold their space. The check will be returned uncashed at the end of this institute.

Instructor: O. Kate Scott, Associate Director and Stephen Day, Director, VCU Center for Economic Education
Contact Person:
O. Kate Scott, Associate Director
Center for Economic Education
George Mason University

Register for Economics and Public Policy (High School Econ Institute Part B)

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