For Economics and Personal Finance

The Virginia Economics & Personal Finance Challenge is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge of personal finance and economic literacy by competing with other students across the state. Teams of three to four students complete online exams that may qualify them for an exciting championship competition.

The Online Challenge is where students compete by taking a 30+ question online exam at their school (monitored by their coach). Teams – three or four students – earning the highest combined score in their region will be recognized and will be given the option to advance to the state finals. For many students, this academic competition is a capstone to their high school experience.

Student teams can compete in three divisions: David Ricardo Division (Economics), Adam Smith Division (Advanced Economics), Personal Finance Division.

Students competing in the Personal Finance Challenge may also participate in one of the Econ Challenge competitions.

All division exams will take place in March and must be completed by 5:00 pm ET on the final testing window date. The state winner (a single team) will advance to the National Competition in their division.

Teachers! Learn more about each challenge and register your teams


The Virginia Economics Challenge dates for Saturday, March 1, 2025 – Monday, March 31, 2025 at 5:00 PM EST – check back soon for details. Once the competition begins, students can enter the EconChallenge ONLINE website and complete a 30 question rapid-fire exam consisting of macro, micro, and international questions. Each student will be given 35 minutes to complete the exam. Students must complete the exam without any outside assistance. Teachers are responsible for monitoring students to prevent cheating. 

Learn all the Rules and How it Works >>HERE<<



The Virginia Personal Finance Challenge for Saturday, March 1, 2025 – Monday, March 31, 2025 at 5:00 PM EST – check back soon for details. Once the competition begins, students can enter the FinanceChallenge ONLINE website and complete a 30 question rapid-fire exam.  Each student will be given 35 minutes to complete the exam. Students must complete the exam without any outside assistance. Teachers are responsible for monitoring students to prevent cheating.

Learn all the Rules and How it Works >>HERE<<


Additional details about the competitions:

The Economics competition has two divisions – one (Adam Smith) for any two-semester econ macro and micro-course sequence or any course labeled as AP, IB, honors, or differentiated and one (David Ricardo) first-time challenge for competitors who have taken no more than one economics course. Learn more about the different divisions here.


How-To Video

This on-demand webinar will provide teachers “tips” on how to prepare students to compete in the Governor’s Challenge for Personal Finance. You will not want to miss this fantastic opportunity to engage your students in Project Based Learning.

Student Stories

View stories of few amazing students with real accounts of how the Governor’s Challenge changed their lives. These students challenge all Virginia High School Teachers to bring VIRGINIA GOVERNOR’S CHALLENGE to the classroom.

Past Case Studies

We hope you will review the issues raised in the case study and consider using them in the classroom as group presentations and breakouts. Doing so will provide a good opportunity to apply many of the personal finance concepts and knowledge for your students.

Additional Information

2024 State & Regional Winners
Past Winners