Some Web sites to assist students with researching stocks, mutual funds and bonds.
EDGAR: This link is to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s database of corporate reports required for public companies.
EDGAR Database of Corporate Information
Hoover’s Online: Have the product and do not know the parent corporation? (type in name of product after “for”)
Investor Protection Trust The Basics of Saving and Investing: Investor Education 2020 guide is an investor education and protection teaching guide developed for high school teachers.
Learning Earning and Investing: latest lesson plans developed by the National Council on Economic Education. Some topics include:savings accounts, mutual funds, how to buy and sell stocks.
Moody’s Investor’s Service: Moody’s Investors Service – ratings, research, data, etc.
My Money: the Federal Government’s website dedicated to helping Americans understand more about their money – how to save it, invest it, and manage it to meet your personal goals.