Workshop Description

High School Economics Hybrid Institute (Modules 1 & 2)

Teaching or planning to teach economics and personal finance? This hybrid economics institute blending economic content and classroom methodology in an in-person and online format may be for you.

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University of Lynchburg Center for Economic Education

Oct 29, 2015
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Lynchburg College – Drysdale East Room
1501 Lakeside Drive
Lynchburg, VA 24501
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Grade Level: High School
Potential Recertification Credits: 14 hours which includes 8 hours of out of class work

This session is the first in a series of four sessions designed  to cover all of the economic concepts in the high school economics and personal finance course.

Blending economic content and classroom methodology, in Part 1 participants experience first-hand how the “economic way of thinking” turns basic economics concepts into “life skills” that enable them to make more meaningful and productive day to day decisions and also delve into a detailed analysis of how market economies work.  Part 2 focuses on Entrepreneurship, Business Organization, and Productivity. Our nation’s economy increasingly relies on entrepreneurs and innovation to stimulate economic growth and the skill set needed to succeed in the 21st century workforce is quite different from those needed during the last century. This module will provide creative lessons to help your students understand these dynamics.

While particularly helpful for those teaching economics and personal finance, any teacher wanting to deepen their economic knowledge will find the institute beneficial.

Participants who successfully complete all six modules (42 hours) and pass a post-test will be recognized as a VCEE Certified Economics Educator: High School.   See the other scheduled sessions listed below.

Participants  receive a number of resources for use in the classroom including a Virtual Economics 4.5 flash drive with over 1,400 activity-based lessons searchable by grade and topic, 51 key economic concepts, and a glossary with over 500 terms. ($160 value)



Additional Information:

Other classes scheduled to complete the 42-hour hybrid economics institute include:

Tuesday, March 8, 2016 (Schewel 232), 8:30 am – 3:30 pm. Modules 3-4
◾Module 3 – Demand & Supply
◾Module 4 – Trade, Comparative Advantage, Exchange Rates, Globalization, Trade Restrictions

Monday, June 13, 2016 date subject to change, if school division calendars are modified (Schewel 231), 8:30 am – 4:00 pm.
◾Module 5 – GDP, Inflation, Banks, the Federal Reserve, Monetary Policy

Tuesday, June 14, 2016 date subject to change, if school division calendars are modified (Schewel 231), 8:30 am – 4:00pm pm.
◾Module 6 – Business Cycle, Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, Role of Government

Instructor: Rebecca Booth, Director
Contact Person:
Rebecca Booth, Director
Center for Economic Education
University of Lynchburg

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