Virginia Commonwealth University Center for Economic Education
Jun 23, 2016
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
VCU, Snead Hall
301 W. Main St.
Richmond, Virginia 23284-4000
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Grade Level: High School
Potential Recertification Credits: 6 (with option for 14 credits if out-of-class work is completed)
One of the most important functions of our government is the government’s enforcement of private property laws through an effective legal system. This enables our market economy to operate smoothly in an imperfect world. But while the proper role of government in a market economy is limited, deciding government’s role in particular situations is rarely easy. What should government do in the event of a recession? What role should government have in health care? Should taxes be lower? Or higher? What sorts of policies affect the government’s budget and how do those policies in turn affect citizens?
Teachers will be introduced to engaging lessons and activities to help their students understand how to reason about the appropriate role of government in a market economy, and the various options to pay for government services so that they will be better informed citizens and voters. Participants also study the role of the Federal Reserve System and the tools and resources that it has to intervene in the economy.
This session is the last of a series of in-class sessions and out-of-class work designed to cover all of the economic concepts in the high school Economics and Personal Finance course. This session and its accompanying homework will comprise 25% of the total series (6 hours in-person, and 8 hours homework).
This session will be particularly helpful for those teaching economics and personal finance, government and civics & economics. Participants who successfully complete all six modules (42 hours) and pass a post-test will be recognized as a VCEE Certified Economics Educator: High School.
Additional Information:
Parking and lunch is provided.
Instructor: Stephen H. Day, Director
Contact Person:
Stephen H. Day, Director
Center for Economic Education
Virginia Commonwealth University
(804) 828-1628
Register for High School Economics Hybrid Institute (Modules 5 & 6)
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