Virginia Commonwealth University Center for Economic Education
Apr 23, 2020 - Jun 01, 2020
All Day
Grade Level: Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Pre-K
Classroom mini-economies are one of the best ways to engage students in learning using a highly motivational environment: students have jobs, earn play money, shop at the class store, and eventually start their own businesses. But did you know you can run this sort of enterprise at home as well?
Our presenters are Stephen Day and Becky Booth, both of whom are veteran mini-economy trainers who organize mini-economy programs. Stephen also runs one at home with his own kids (ages 7, 5, and 3). In fact, Stephen was even part of an at-home mini-economy when he was a kid! Speaking from their multifaceted experience and research, our presenters will show best practices for making a home mini-economy where students also learn school content.
This meeting will feature a special appearance from Stephen’s wife and current quasi-volunteer homeschool teacher, Dr. Sarah Day, who will talk about home mini-economy tips from the perspective of someone who is running one for the first time.
Instructor: Stephen H. Day, PhD, Director
Contact Person:
Stephen H. Day, PhD, Director
Center for Economic Education
Virginia Commonwealth University
(804) 828-1628
Register for On-Demand: Mini-Economy at Home
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