Virginia Tech Center for Economic Education
Feb 01, 2022 - Mar 04, 2022
All Day
Grade Level: High School, Middle School
Potential Recertification Credits: 20 Part A (20 hours) and Part B (20 hours)
Developing the entrepreneurial mindset (e.g., opportunity recognition, creativity, innovation, critical thinking, design thinking, problem-solving, communication, and collaboration) in students prepares them for higher education and any career field as well as civic and personal life while allowing them to pursue their interests, abilities, and passions in the new Gig Economy. Entrepreneurial skills are 21st century skills that advance Virginia’s 5 C’s and Profile of a Graduate learning objectives by optimizing engagement and unleashing student potential using inquiry, performance, and project-based instruction to deepen learning across grades and subjects.
While not all students will choose an entrepreneurship career path, students will have skills to become better employees (intrapreneurship) and change agents in their communities (social entrepreneurship). Moreover, research suggests that entrepreneurship education is a real “game-changer” for students, especially those in impoverished rural and urban areas, because it develops self-efficacy, internal locus of control, self-regulation, intrinsic motivation, growth mindset, empathy, resourcefulness, resiliency, calculated risk-taking, and agency. Communities thrive when its members are equipped to offer business-centered solutions to satisfy unmet community needs. Responding to the unprecedented challenges of COVID 19 is a perfect example of America’s necessary entrepreneurial mindset.
This five-week, 20-hour online Institute is mostly self-paced with several synchronous Zoom meetings (dates TBA), including local entrepreneurs who will share “lessons learned.” No background knowledge in business required! The Institute “textbook” will be some of the latest and greatest online, free, real-world, entrepreneurship resources (e.g., articles, videos, lessons, infographics, podcasts, PPT slides, etc.) organized into modules around introductory topics such as types of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial mindset skills, opportunity recognition, innovation, design-thinking, and lean canvas startup. The overarching Institute goal is to streamline teacher learning of basic entrepreneurship content and pedagogy by reviewing instructional resources that can be easily and quickly customized for the students and subjects they teach. Each teacher will pick a topic and create a classroom-ready activity to share with other Institute participants for a collection of teacher-created instructional resources.
Online Entrepreneurship Institute: Part B Business Plan is optional and will be offered March 8 – April 8, 2022 for an additional 20 recertification hours. Topics will be more technical and in-depth, such as financial statements, funding sources, business plans, and elevator pitches. Teachers who successfully complete Part A and Part B and pass both exams will earn the “VCEE Certified Entrepreneurship Educator” credential and email badge.
Appalachian Power | State Farm
Bank of America | Truist Foundation | Virginia Bankers Association Education Foundation | Virginia Credit Union | Virginia Lottery | Virginia Society of CPAs | Wells Fargo
Additional Information:
A welcome email with important information will be sent the week prior to the Institute start date. Please keep an eye on your emails. Seating is limited and a waiting list will likely need to be created. If your plans change after you register, kindly let us know as soon as possible, so we can give your seat to another teacher on the waiting list. Thank you.
Instructor: Dr. Cheryl Ayers
Contact Person:
Dr. Cheryl Ayers
Center for Economic Education
Virginia Tech
Register for Online Entrepreneurship Institute: Part A Entrepreneurial Mindset
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