Workshop Description

Online Personal Finance Institute

Teaching or planning to teach personal finance? This online institute will deepen your knowledge in all aspects of personal finance.

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George Mason University Center for Economic Education

Oct 12, 2020 - Nov 20, 2020
All Day
Grade Level: High School
Potential Recertification Credits: 45

This institute is particularly helpful for those teaching the personal finance portion of high school Economics and Personal Finance as it covers detailed content instruction including banking, credit, consumer rights and responsibilities, insurance, taxes, financial planning and planning for further education after high school.

  • Take the W!SE Financial Literacy test and have the opportunity to earn this teacher certification at no charge.
  • Teachers who complete the entire institute and pass the W!SE certification will also be recognized as VCEE Certified Personal Finance Educators.
  • Participants receive the  Virtual Economics Version 5.0 flash drive with over 1,400 activity-based lessons searchable by grade and topic, 51 key economic concepts, and a glossary with over 500 terms. ($160 value).
  • Each week features guest speakers who are content specialists in their field – including taxes, banking, insurance, and financial planning.


Instructor: O. Kate Scott, Associate Director
Contact Person:
O. Kate Scott, Associate Director
Center for Economic Education
George Mason University

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