Workshop Description

Personal Finance Greatest Hits & Innovations: Free Lessons, Resources & Simulations (WISE)

This “mini-conference” will feature the latest innovations in instructional technology and real-world personal finance simulations. Simulations range from Gen i Revolution, where students take on the role of operatives on 16 missions to help people save and invest, to Invest in What’s Next, new online modules designed to help students make their first major financial […]

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Virginia Tech Center for Economic Education

Nov 29, 2018
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
UVA-Wise campus
exact location - TBA
Wise, VA
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Grade Level: High School, Middle School
Potential Recertification Credits: 6

This “mini-conference” will feature the latest innovations in instructional technology and real-world personal finance simulations. Simulations range from Gen i Revolution, where students take on the role of operatives on 16 missions to help people save and invest, to Invest in What’s Next, new online modules designed to help students make their first major financial decision – what path to pursue after high school. Teachers will gain access to a wealth of free personal finance lessons and resources from Next Gen Personal Finance, National Endowment of Financial Education, Federal Reserve Education, Teaching Money VA, Jump$tart Clearinghouse, and the Council on Economic Education—just to name a few. Instructional simulations, lessons, and resources align with Virginia’s personal finance standards and help prepare students for the W!SE Financial Literacy test.

Breakfast and lunch included.


Additional Information:

This workshop and the accompanying materials are made available to teachers through the generous support of NextGen Personal Finance and the Council for Economic Education.

Instructor: Cheryl A. Ayers, Ph.D.
Contact Person:
Cheryl A. Ayers, Ph.D.
Center for Economic Education
Virginia Tech

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