James Madison University Center for Economic Education
Jan 27, 2016
3:45 pm - 5:45 pm
John Wayland Elementary School
801 North Main Street
Bridgewater, VA 22812
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Grade Level: Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
Potential Recertification Credits: 2
Pint-Size Economics is the perfect curriculum for teaching elementary students about basic economics, saving and investing, and being a wise consumer.
Pint-Size has 24 separate lessons, each focusing on a specific concept.
Each lesson is four pages: a Title page where the concept is explained, an Activities Page with Questions to Ask Students, and two Worksheets. Also included are a glossary, “econ” book report, journal writing ideas, enrichment ideas, and literature connections. It is designed to help teach basic economics and personal finance concepts with connections to language arts and math. In fact, many activities and worksheets focus on these required subjects. This interdisciplinary approach will help you be very efficient in using your scarce instructional time.
The first ten teachers who register will receive a copy on the Pint-Size Economics resource book.
Instructor: Lynne Stover, Associate Director for Programs
Contact Person:
Lynne Stover, Associate Director for Programs
Center for Economic Education
James Madison University
Register for Pint-Size Economics
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