University of Virginia’s College at Wise Center for Economic Education
May 28, 2019 - Jun 28, 2019
12:00 am
Grade Level: High School, Middle School
Potential Recertification Credits: 42 hours--college credit available
This course is designed to educate K-12 teachers about economics in everyday life with some basic microeconomics, macroeconomics, finance and current economic issues. Economics begins with the study of how individuals, firms, and other economic agents in our society make choices. Choices are unavoidable because desired goods and services are unlimited, while resources are inevitably scarce. This course will briefly cover the analysis of trade-off, demand and supply, market efficiency, externalities, consumer & production theory, GDP, unemployment, inflation, fiscal and monetary policy, investment, entrepreneurship, and some personal finance. It will assist teachers in building lessons, and simulations to educate students basic economic and financial concepts at the secondary level.
A copy of the syllabus is available here.
This course is offered for college credit and ten K-12 teachers may take it tuition free. Directions on how to enroll in this class as a non-degree seeking student at UVa-Wise are available here.
Additional Information:
You may register on this website, but teachers must also enroll as a non-degree seeking student at UVa-Wise. Directions are provided above.
Instructor: Zafar Khan, PhD, Director
Contact Person:
Zafar Khan, PhD, Director
Center for Economic Education
University of Virginia’s College at Wise
Register for Online Economics Course (2550-01)
Registration is closed for this workshop.
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