What compels you to serve on the VCEE Board of Directors? Answer: When my high school daughter asked me for help with her economics homework, I was amazed and impressed that she was learning economic concepts which I was not …
“Financial peace isn’t the acquisition of stuff. It’s learning to live on less than you make, so you can give money back and have money to invest. You can’t win until you do this.” Dave Ramsey, Author & Radio Host Program …
Meet our Vice President of Resource Development, Jennie Romero. As vice president of resource development, Jennie oversees a strategy that brings in about $1 million annually. “I just raise the money so our network of instructors can do what they …
“If you want to invest in something with minimum risk and a guaranteed big return, invest in yourself” -UnknownFive Ways You Can Invest in Yourself: Develop a new skill Read, Read, READ! Journal about your goals Surround yourself with supportive …